FAQ: What you need to know
Q: Dítē is a Canadian server, is Dítē limited to Canadians only?
A: No! Dítē is made for beauty industry professionals all over the world. Dítē was founded in Canada but not limited to.
Q: Does Dítē represent all beauty Professionals?
A: Yes! From barbers to tattoo artists, estheticians and beyond. We are inclusive to all beauty related careers.
Q: We are not currently hiring right now, why should we create a business profile?
A: Creating a Business profile allows you to keep hiring as a proactive action rather than reactive. Be discovered by potential employees who may wish to work in your company when a job opportunity arises. Having a presence on Dítē also opens up numerous possibilities for networking and collaborations with other Beauty Business. Wth a business profile, you can also post education offered by your business, as well as marketplace items.
Q: Why do I have to create a business profile to post a job offering?
A: Creating a business profile highlights your business beyond the “name” or job offering. This allows for professionals to better learn “who” is hiring. Having a business profile showcases amenities, brands used, services offered, photos of the business and overall general idea of company culture. Thus, attracting the right individuals to apply.
Q: I am currently employed, can I apply for a job with no profile?
A: To apply for a position with Dítē, you must first create a professional profile. You may indicate your employment status on your profile. All browsing is anonymous. A professional profile allows you to also find education offerings, your local distributors and post items on Marketplace. By creating your profile, you can also be recruited by businesses.
Q: A service you offer isn’t listed? A brand you love isn’t listed? Have an idea to make the platform better for all users? Technical Issues?
A: We would love to hear from you. Please contact us by email at aphrodite@dite.ca
Q: What am I allowed to sell on the Marketplace?
A: All items must be industry related. Items that are not related to the industry, (example couches, end side tables) will be removed. Dítē is not responsible for the quality or the transactions within the Marketplace.
Q: I am still a student, should I be creating a profile?
A: Creating a professional profile as a student is a great idea. Business seeking apprentices can contact you, and vice versa. Having a professional profile while still in school/ recently graduated allows you to begin networking in the industry, find local distributors and find advanced educational offerings.
Q: I want to advertise my Brand or Business on Dítē, can I?
A: For all advertising, please email aphrodite@dite.ca
Q: Can my business, distributor, or school have multiple locations?
A: Yes.
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